Friday, April 10, 2015

Being a 'Troll'

My body is being all kinds of crazy lately and I think i'm now so used to it that I don't even really notice anymore. From my fiance's point of view I have been a 'Bitchy Emotional Troll'...not gonna lie when he said this to me I did nothing but laugh.
It's hard to see the changes in yourself...and maybe its just that I don't want to see the changes in myself. The changes mean that the medication's that I am on are not only combating my endo...but changing me as a person and not for the better. So what are my options.
1. Take no medications and make my bed my new BFF and never leave its comfy sheets
2. Be a crazed hormonal person and risk ruining relationships in my life
3. Try new medications and pray that they don't have the same affects
To be honest I don't like either of these options because either way I pretty much loose in some way or another. So I am now stuck deciding which of these three options I take. Do I really want to never leave my it's honestly not all that comfy after a while. Do I continue the medication combo that I am currently on and have my fiance hate being around me because I'm just to much to handle. Or do I go to my dr and tell him everything and just be put onto another medication that is probably going to have the same outcomes as the ones that I am on...hormone meds do the same thing...even if they all have different names.
I feel so at a loss right now because no matter what...some aspect of my life is going to suffer. I guess I just have to pick which aspect I don't mind having be destroyed...My body physically...or my relationship with my fiance.
If somebody can make this decision for me then please do. Obviously I would pick to save my relationship because he means the world to me...but then do I make him take care of my physically when I can't get out of bed to even put pants on, I pass out from the pain shooting up my back, or have to be taken to the hospital because of how rough of shape I am in. These things are what happens when I'm not on medication.
Either way I feel like my relationship is going to suffer. Either I stay on meds and be a 'Bitchy Emotional Troll' or I go off of the meds and 'Become one with my bed'.
My endo and I need to come up with a deal...and fast because i'm getting quite pissed off with my lady parts and the crap that it brings.

PS this is a troll...I see no resemblance    

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